Years in company: 5,5 years
Who am I
I hold a Masters in Food Science and Technology and a PhD in Agro-food and Environmental Science, both from the University of Milan. Before joining Nemho, I worked as a Research Associate at the University of Manchester and I was a visiting scientist at the Joint Research Centre of the EU commission.
I am a TV series binge watcher, I love going to the cinema and cooking.
What I do
I lead the sustainability team. Together we quantify the environmental footprint of the Group, we support the operating companies to lower their impact and monitor their progress to make sure we keep the bar straight towards our sustainability goal.
What drives me /How I make a difference
Sustainability is key for the long-term success of business and as such, it needs to be taken seriously. As we do. I feel I can really make the difference with my team to ensure business continuity, to allow the Companies to continue to grow and do better and to contribute to make the world a better place.